
Hello Friends, thanks for visiting my photography blog!

My name is Ashley Rose.
First name -Ashley. Last name-Rose. ;)
I am a wife, mother to a lil fat baby boy, a rolly polly english bulldog, & a Wedding Photographer located in beautiful Orange County, California.
Please check out my WEBSITE !!!!!

Have a lovely day!

For inquiries contact me at. ashley@ashleyrosephotography.com

Enjoy my blog. It is my heart.



So I went back and forth with posting this, but @ the end of the day I figured I need to just be me and stay true to myself!
My Wedding/LifeStyle Blog is up, its part Wedding, Part Lifestyle, and just other bits!
In the beginning this blog was a Blend of all those things, plus my Photography,
and I asked for opinions on the matter (which I appreciated soooo much!!!)
and after much consideration I decided to have 2 seperate blogs =)
If no one reads the other one oh well, if so thats fabulous too!
I know some people are going to Hate on it, and thats okay too,
in this blogging world sometimes people tend to just lash out,
but really I am just doing this for me =) so haters drink your hater-ade and carry on with your day!
Life is too short to hate.

Heres of Glimpse of my other blog. Kisses & Kumquats add it to your G-Reader, again only if you want to! Xoxo.

(why Kisses & Kumquats....because those are 2 of my favorite things =)


Anonymous said...

Ashley..you are too fabulous! Your comments make my day and expect a huge hug from me when we finally meet. I am so happy that you have the wedding/lifestyle blog going on as well...its great for inspiration and I know your brides will get alot out of it. I will too...i love looking at new styles and ideas..i get overwhelmed sometimes and want to try everything at once..haha..baby steps mary..baby steps. whew.

Sorry for the rambling message...hope you are having a beautiful day! <3

Julie Ann said...

woo-hoo! love it...adorable and everything i'd expect from ashley rose! :) i was wondering what happened to the links i had bookmarked for my wedding from your original blog.
glad you're doin the other blog too!

The Modern Type said...

I can't wait to follow both your blogs! Haters must be blind/illiterate/dense because you and your photos are fabulous!

P.S. So your married name is Rose? Luck-y!