
Hello Friends, thanks for visiting my photography blog!

My name is Ashley Rose.
First name -Ashley. Last name-Rose. ;)
I am a wife, mother to a lil fat baby boy, a rolly polly english bulldog, & a Wedding Photographer located in beautiful Orange County, California.
Please check out my WEBSITE !!!!!

Have a lovely day!

For inquiries contact me at. ashley@ashleyrosephotography.com

Enjoy my blog. It is my heart.


Bridget & Chris

Sorry my blogging has been sporadic at best, life has just been filled with so much these days! 
And as much as I love you Internet world, I am trying to live more in the moment these days and just enjoy my family =)
This past week I met up with Bridget & Chris for their e-session in Laguna Beach.
I adore them, they were so involved in their location & I love when couples do that. 
We built off of their personality from there and it was sooooo rad!!!
Bridget & Chris you both are truly wonderful. We bonded over our love for our pups =) 
so it made perfect sense for them to include their lil guy in their session! 
Who by the way was such a GOOD dog, oh and Bridget & Chris you weren't so bad yourselves ;)
Thank you B, C & Bogie ;) you all are adorable and I cannot wait for your wedding! 

*just a sneak peak of my new branding* uptop! 

Favorite shot of the day! 

Then we headed over to this amazing lil restaurant,Eva's Caribbean Kitchen,
I loved it, the place completely transports you into vacation mode =) so blissful! 
And we found some fun nooks to shoot around there... 


Anonymous said...

I love the new logo Ashley!

Sissel said...

Great job! I love your new logo!!

Melissa Vossler said...

the new logo just screams you! love it!

Megan Welker said...

Love love loooooovin the new logo! So cute! and I alllso love the two shots where they're in the bottom corner of the shot...so awesome. great colors!

Jessica said...

I am digging the new logo Ashley! I think the 3rd is my fav, but they are all fabulous.

Amy said...

These are awesome Ashley! And so nice to see you back in blogland :)

Kia Gregory said...

Loving the sun flare ones! And the new brand looks FABULOSO!

Anonymous said...

New logo is amazing! I can't wait to see everything else that comes along with it! These images are beautiful and fun. The last one is my favorite! <3

My Sweet & Saucy said...

Love the new logo/watermark!!! Too cute! I am always amazed at the gorgeous photos you take!