
Hello Friends, thanks for visiting my photography blog!

My name is Ashley Rose.
First name -Ashley. Last name-Rose. ;)
I am a wife, mother to a lil fat baby boy, a rolly polly english bulldog, & a Wedding Photographer located in beautiful Orange County, California.
Please check out my WEBSITE !!!!!

Have a lovely day!

For inquiries contact me at. ashley@ashleyrosephotography.com

Enjoy my blog. It is my heart.


Dear Crew (7 months)

Wow. So I said I wasn't going to blog about Crew on here
but that was before I realized Wedding Season is upon us and starting up his blog
has been more of a project than I realized. So because time is going by way too quickly
I must post a letter to my sweet boy before he is 1!

Dear Crew,
I feel like I blinked and you turned 7 months old. Time is flying by.
It's exciting, amazing and also makes me so sad. I am trying to soak up every ounce of you
while you are still my "baby" :)
You are quite the lil man. Off the charts for your head size and weight.
Pretty much every person who meets you says you will be a football player...
mommy isnt too keen on that idea.
You started swimming lessons last month and you love them!
We also have you in a baby gym class to mingle with other babies ;)
you have quite the schedule.
You have found your voice and love to "yell" at me and your daddy
when you need attention. It's a lovely habit lil man.
We realized the other day we hardly ever call you Crew.
It's usually Crewster, Rooster, or Boo.
Were a little nervous you might head into preschool thinking we named you
after a barnyard animal. We are working at actually calling you by your name now :)
Every day you look more and more like your daddy,
and it's my favorite thing. You guys make the same faces and expressions and its adorable!
We had our first family pool day and mommy couldn't help but bring along her
camera. You gave me your blank stare face again.... ;)
I dont think you are a big fan of the camera.
I love you more than you know sonshine!





BeeOnCa said...

oh my gosh stop it! he's so stinkin adorable.. I wanna pitch his lil' rolls, it's too cute! The pic with him sucking his thumb is classic, great job!!

Christi Contois said...

That last picture of him is absolutely adorable!! Sounds like you are loving mommy-hood! =) So happy for you and hope all is wonderful with your little family!!

Cat Watson said...

oh my word he is such a cute little chunker! love it. that last one is so stinkin adorable. with our daughter we did the same thing--called her pookie 95% of the time and her name is Evelyn:) by the way, I love that you post personal things on your business blog...just my two cents:)

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most adorable little boys I've ever seen! I don't know where to start?! The legs, the cute haircut, the thumb sucking or the fact that his little feet look so darn cute in those flipflops! You guys are lucky parents!!

-dhonea said...

OMGosh, is this your baby?! I just found your blog so I haven't read much-just scrolled through all your pix (beautiful)...but when I saw THESE pictures, I gasped ha ha..what a chunky freakin adorable baby!! I wanted to take him out of the screen and squeeze him. too cute <3