Jenni & Bryan are just the cutest, sweetest love birds I've ever seen ;)
Throughout our shoot Bryan would stare @ his bride and just whisper "Your Beautiful" ...
It was adorable, and you could see how excited they were to be getting married.
I don't think there is anything better than getting to be a part of these
sweet moments in someone's life =)
Thank You Jenni & Bryan for inviting me into your lives & these wonderful moments!
We spent the day at The Getty, which holds a special place in their hearts,
and it was a perfect day in LA!
Jenni had said how she wasn't photogenic and was a bit nervous for the shoot,
but without a doubt she completely strutted her stuff for the camera!!!!
Bryan you rocked it out too ;)
I'm soooo excited for you guys and cannot wait for your wedding @ Strawberry Farms ;)
Enjoy your pictures!!!!

*oh and I am in love with Jenni's outfit, amazingness!!!

Arent their children going to be GORGEOUS ?!?!

sicky! love it ashley!
Super cute!!!
soooo freakin cute!!! love her style and what an adorable couple!
love love love it all! but I will say my favorite is the b&w shot with the wall separating them and she is standing on a bench-they exude coolness:)
These are amazing! Love all of the angels!
LOVE these pictures and LOVE these people :) Cant wait for Nov 22nd!
gorgeous ash! you keep getting better and better! :)
Any idea where she got that adorable denim skirt? we are obsessing over it here in chicago!
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